A Challenge To Love

August 6, 2016

I have a dream…I know its cliché but this needs to be heard loud and clear.

I have a dream of peace. Peace from all of this chaos.

A nation where we are not run on corruption, where there is so much lack of trust on the individual and the government alike.

A government not funded by parties with ulterior motives.

A government who truly adheres to the belief that each individual has value, who makes choices based upon the outcome to the individual, and NOT for the greater good because the whole is truly a product of its individual pieces.

A government that adheres to its constitution and the freedoms of it’s people.

I dream of politicians who know how to love.

Politicians who look at every policy or piece of legislation and makes his or her decision based upon what is right. They do this because they can really choose what it right because they don’t have their hands tied from corruption and money.

Politicians who seek the advice and ask the right questions.

I dream of a place where individuals maintain their rights.

Where we have freedom to determine what we do with our body, what we put on our body and what we put into our body.

I dream that we at least get the chance to know what is being put into our bodies and on our bodies.

The freedom to love to live.

I dream of a place where we make choices based on the effects it will have on our great grandchildren.

A place where we will have a world that our great grandchildren can love.

Where we are rooted with nature and with each other.

I dream of a return to love.


Our country is at a crossroads. There is corruption on all levels that permeates even into our schools and children and its affecting every aspect of our lives.

I challenge our government to lead us on love and understanding. We know when you are trying to put one past us. The media cover-ups to keep us all distracted…..the hidden GMOs in our food….the chemical concoctions that we call “medicine”….the laws prohibiting buying local and raw to improve our health….the trolling websites and defamation of people who are trying to better the world and find the truth….industries ran on fear alone….the chem trails…..to name just a few. People don’t trust. Earn our trust back. Do what’s right for us.

I challenge you, the politician, to educate yourself. And don’t just seek information from people who come knocking. Dig deep to find real answers to do what’s right for your state. It’s your responsibility to do what’s best for the people, not for you.

I challenge you big pharma. I don’t care that you are a profit powerhouse. What I care about is your motives. I challenge you to improve the health of the nation for the better. An industry ran on fear tactics cannot thrive and in the end, will falter. Show us that you’re not who we, the people, think you are. Prove us wrong that you’re fingers aren’t permeating into the government and your methods aren’t being used as a means of population control. Prove to us that you’re worth it. I challenge you big pharma to be the leaders in this movement to love. Save people’s lives, but don’t step into prevention because medicine can never be preventative in nature. Allow other professionals to step in to improve people’s health and lifestyle. And I especially challenge you to never force any procedure on anyone unknowing of the outcomes again….NEVER again.

As for the individual…we have the biggest challenge. Research your life. Don’t just be sheep and blindly follow. Do what is truly best for yourselves and your society. Give. Love. Teach your children to do the same. Purchase with power…buy according to your beliefs, not according to price. It is us, as individuals that need to hold ourselves, our politicians, and our government accountable. Because if we don’t, who will? Those with the biggest pocketbook certainly cannot and have proven that in their track record.

It is time to take the challenge. Stand up for what’s right.

Its time to love to live again. And to love to be a part of this country.

I challenge you….do what’s right.

I challenge you to love.

Dr Tiffany Leonida

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Mother Theresa, when asked if she would march against the war, refused. Although, when asked to march for peace, she gladly accepted. For to be “for something” is empowering.  In light of the recent hysteria surrounding this year’s pandemic, I am reminded of Mother Theresa. What we focus on matters. How we perceive our surroundings matters. Do we see friends or enemies? Hate or love? Disease or health? Pathogenesis is the study of the origins of disease, while, on the contrary, Salutogenesis is the study of health and its origins. If we focus on disease, we must work backwards to try to find a solution to a problem, and then remove the perceived problem. This is the approach of western medicine. However, an alternative to this is the focus on health and what our bodies need to be healthy. If we focus on health, we can provide our body with the ground floor materials to promote the best expression of life. What this looks like is simple: it’s keeping our environment pure and providing sufficiency in terms of the essential ingredients or nutrients that our ecosystem needs to function at its best, express life and be able to freely adapt and respond to the environment. Even though the concept is simple, the application is difficult because there is no accurate measure for health. All the measures we have in our current model addresses ways we can measure sickness, disease or pathogenesis. X rays, MRI, CT scans, bloodwork…they are function to determine if we are in a dis-ease state or not. The problem with these measures is that our health is a continuum. Our bodies are continually adapting to its environment and the ingredients we provide it, and in doing so, can either move towards health or away from it. So, you don’t magically have diabetes the moment your fasting blood sugars are measured at 126 mg/dL. You were moving in that direction for potentially years prior your diagnosis, moving away from health. Your body was in a dis-ease state already prior to being diagnosed with disease. So, health is a continuum. What we choose to do daily either moves us toward dis-ease in the body or away from it and so, health, like life, ebbs and flows according to how pure our environment is and how sufficiently we supply our bodies with what it needs to be healthy. The bottom line is our bodies should always be able to adapt to its circumstances. This is the key. What we focus on matters. If we are focused only on the disease state of our bodies, or the pathogenesis, we are blinded to the ability to move towards health. When we focus on health, or salutogenesis, we can address the dis-ease that occurs in the body and prevent us from entering the disease state. This is where the problem lies. Like it or not, health requires personal responsibility. Health is a daily, if not minute by minute choice. It is our personal responsibility to take care of the body that God created for us. Everything we do; the foods we eat-are they organic, green harvested, soil deficient, the products we use in our home and on our bodies, how we move our bodies or not move our bodies, how we think- is it positive or negative, how much technology are we exposed to, how many toxins are in our environment,how we handle stress, if we forgive others, are we healing our trauma; it all matters in terms of our health continuum. And so, moving towards health requires personal responsibility. I see a future of humanity. Those that focus on health and salutogenesis and those who focus on disease and pathogenesis. The picture is vastly different. And Mother Theresa said it best. If we focus on pathogenesis, we remove human choice and thus, are left victims to our circumstances. Our health is left in someone else’s hands whom we are powerless to. We are disempowered. Today, I choose health. I choose to focus on salutogenesis. I do what I can, in my power, to improve the health of myself and my family. It’s my personal responsibility, not only for me, but for my children and their children ever after and also, for our earth! I choose to fulfill the purposes that God created me to do in this world. For without health, I cannot share truth, I cannot enjoy my family, I cannot create memories I choose to have. I become a victim, disempowered, hopeless. Instead, I choose empowerment. I choose to march “for something” and not “against”. I choose to no longer be a victim of circumstance. I choose health. So, I ask you today to join me and change your focus. From fear to faith. From being disempowered to taking power into your own hands. Let’s march together. For health, Dr Tiffany Leonida

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